| JW Marriott
The historic preservation of the building's exterior facade included the design and construction of commercial glass on the lower levels and the installation of moisture and vapor barriers as well as humidity control.
The exterior architectural design work included a fenestration study and materials to replicate the original features of the building such as the historic clock.
To support the developments along Main at Rusk the DRA created a new full block curb cut and drive lane with proper waterproofing.
| SkyHouse Houston
A 24- story, 336 unit high-rise apartment building with 7,200 square feet of ground floor retail and a detached parking garage.
Capital Improvement Projects
| Allen Parkway
Project proposes approximately 175 new parking spaces along Buffalo Bayou Park from Taft to Sabine, new connections to IH-45, traffic signalization for eastbound and westbound traffic with pedestrian crosswalks at Dunlavy, Taft, Gillette, and Park Vista Drive. The project also proposes new landscaped medians from Montrose to Sabine.
Click here to view presentation materials from our public meeting on February 5, 2015 at the Neighborhood Resource Center.
Click here to view our most frequently asked questions.
| Main Street Corridor Improvements Project
The project is to design and construct a series of inter-related public improvements that enhance the overall quality and experience of downtown’s Main Street.
These streetscape improvements are to be generally understood as upgrades or modifications to existing conditions. In some instances, the improvements may be rather specific, modest or minimal; in other cases, the improvements may have a broader reach in their impact as new elements in the public realm.
| Shopping District
The Dallas corridor will be transformed into the retail destination for downtown Houston. The project will cover streetscape upgrades, storefront incentives, and attractions for retailers.
| Jesse H. Jones Library Plaza
Redesign and renovate the plaza and sidewalks to create a more pedestrian friendly environment and a safe atmosphere.
Historic Preservation and Restoration Projects
| International Coffee Building
Restoration of the International Coffee Building and new design for the surrounding area to welcome the Houston public and encourage their participation and engagement in various Buffalo Bayou Partnership events.
| State National Bank Building
Restoration of the National State Bank Building for continued office use by preserving, replacing and installing original period and style features.
| Alley Theatre
Exterior facade renovations that include pressure washing and sealing the existing skin, replacing roof, replacing exterior glass and lighting improvements.
| Byrd's Lofts Windows
Replacement of historic steel framed windows with replicate windows.
Economic Development Projects
| Buffalo Bayou Park
Continuous improvement of the Park by renovating the project area: waterways, park amenities, trails, flood control, etc.
| Hotel Alessandra
Construction of a 25-story, 225-key, full-service luxury hotel.
| Holiday Inn
The historic Hotel Savoy, located at 1616 Main St., is undergoing renovation into a 212-room Holiday Inn in addition to streetscape enhancements which include the replacement of sidewalks, windows, doors, and canopies.
Downtown Living Initiative Projects
| Old Texaco Building
Redevelopment of the Old Texaco building into 323 luxury apartment units and a 550 space parking structure with 8,000 square feet of ground floor retail.
| Alliance, Block 334
Construction of a 5-story, 207-unit, above grade residential development with two levels of basement parking.
| Hines Market Square
Construction of a 33-story residential complex complete with 25 residential floors and 8 floors of garage parking. The 274-unit complex will also feature 10,000 square feet of retail.
| Woodbranch Tower
Construction of a 40-story, 463-unit, residential complex on Block 35 as well as renovation of an existing parking garage with 10,000 square feet of retail.
| SkyHouse Main
Construction of a 24-story, 336-unit high-rise apartment with 7,200 square feet of ground floor retail and detached parking garage.
| Fairfield Residential
Construction of a 290-unit residential project with amenities and structured parking in an urban configuration.
| Commercial National Bank Building
Commercial National Bank was renovated in 2000 and is considered one of the largest surviving neoclassical buildings remaining in Houston.
| Historic Distric Meters
This project was initiated to preserve the esthetics of the Historic District with the installation and or rewiring of pay and display meters without the solar panel.
| The Houston Ballet Pedestrian Bridge
The Houston Ballet Skybridge is visually pleasing and is providing connectivity from the Worthan Theather to the Houston Ballet.
| Greenstreet
Greenstreet encompasses three city blocks and offers nearly 700,000 square feet of retail, residential loft office space and much more to inhabitants and visitors.
| Humble Oil Building
The Humble Oil Building was redeveloped into a hotel and apartments in 2001.
| Main Street Corridor
The Main Street Corridor now serves as a signature destination for the City of Houston.
| Market Square Park
Market Square Park connects the key attractions of downtown Houston while being an anchor and oasis for the developing downtown residential and retail community.
| The Rice Hotel
The Rice Hotel was repositioned in 1996 and is considered one of the primary catalyst projects leading to the emerging renaissance of downtown Houston.
| Sabine to Bagby Promenade
Sabine to Bagby Promenade will assist in beautifying the area with artistic portals, way finding and interpretive signage. The project has not been completed.
| Scenic Houston
Scenic Houston provides invaluable historic information through the installation of street markers along Texas Avenue. The markers point out the locations of grand residences, fine hotels, early businesses, transportation hubs, original skyscrapers, places of worship, fine arts venues and sports facilities that have called Texas Avenue home.
| Tunnel Connections 1000 Main Superstop
Three new tunnel connections, which were integrated into the 1000 Main Project, now serve as pedestrian links to the new Light Rail System.