The DRA/TIRZ #3 Board typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Below is the tentative meeting schedule for 2014...
Allen Parkway Public Meeting
(Click here for press release)
DRA/TIRZ #3 Board of Directors Meeting June 16, 2015 @ 12:00 pm
Regular Location: Downtown Redevelopment Authority Offices 2 Houston Center 909 Fannin, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77010 - Large Conference Room
2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SCHEDULE (Click on the underlined date to view the meeting agenda) January 13, 2015
May 12, 2015 - Cancelled
June 16, 2015
July 8, 2015
August 11, 2015
September 8, 2015
October 13, 2015
November 10, 2015
December 8, 2015no meeting
The meetings are usually held in the offices of:
Downtown Redevelopment Authority 909 Fannin, Suite 1650, at 12:00pm
Agendas are available on the Friday prior to meeting after twelve noon. Please contact us for copies of previous agendas and/or copies of past meeting minutes.
Please Note: If you, or a representative, are planning to attend any of these meetings, please call us at 713-752-0827 or email us